Partnerschaftsverein Alsbach-Hähnlein e.V.
Freundschaft begründen - Frieden bewahren
About Us

About the Association

Motivated by the experience and the contacts from the EC project “Building Solidarity in Communities” where various European communities had worked together, the association was founded in 2014.


  • Supporting the community of Alsbach-Hähnlein in maintaining and developing the contractually registered partnerships of our community.
  • Developing new partnerships with other communities and cities inside and outside of Europe.


The association promotes international thinking and tolerance at all levels of culture and the thought of international understanding by personal and institutional contacts, among others by cultural, scientific and sportive encounters.

In doing so, the association is active through initiatives, consulting and promotions, especially by:

  • Promoting and mentoring of scholar and youth meetings,      cultural and sports events,
  • Organizing encounters with the citizens of the twin communities,
  • Creating educational events on the occasion of which culture and history of the communities and their geographical areas are being taught and/or the European thought is encouraged,
  • Introducing the community to other twin communities,
  • Arranging for contacts to and encounters between institutions, organizations and associations of the twin communities.


Chairman: Mr. Hans Herrmann
Deputy Chairman: Mr. Wolfgang Landmesser
